Login & Signup

The starting of your cyber journey with Click & Pick begings here. This module is divided into two sub-modules:

※ Signup:
Start creating your Click & Pick account by adding necessary details like name, pincode, role (Customer or Vendor), email and a password.

※ Login:
With the details created now you can login in to Click & Pick. This module is supported by JWT auth token Authentication. It provides all the features like authentication with email & password. It authenticates a user with unique id.

Create & Post

Create a post with details such as images, price, availabilty and description of your product.

※ Create:
Select upto 8 images from your gallery and after that fill in the general details like, product name description, pricing and availabilty.

※ Post:
The created post will be displayed on the home page and also in your profile page, leaving its permanent print in the cyber world.

Chat & Buy

This feature allows customers to chat directly with the vendors regarding any product related concern. Chat & Buy is based upon the market and chat user interface.

※ Chat:
Chat directly with the vendor regarding product of your choice, fix delivery, negotiate payment accordingly.

※ Buy:
Press the buy button on any product and it will redirect you automatically to the chat of the product's vendor.